Redist. Matrix

Store Stock Redistribution supports different strategies to calculate the trips between the stores and/or warehouse locations to redistribute items.

The Redist. Matrix is used to define possible store and warehouse location combinations to calculate Transfer Orders in Store Stock Redistribution (Trips). When you are operating with stores in multiple countries, this enables you to define that only stores within the same country should be considered when the trips are calculated. The Redist. Matrix is based on Hierarchies and Hierarchy Relations and allows a top-down definition with inheritance.

Furthermore, the Redist. Matrix holds information about the transportation cost, distance, and transport duration between the locations. This information is used in the different Redistribution Strategies to calculate the optimal trips combination. Distance and duration can be calculated via Bing Maps API using maps and routes.

It is possible to define multiple Redist. Matrices and to assign those to items on detail and group level.


  • Least No. of Trips
  • Least Cost
  • Shortest Distance (Direct)
  • Shortest Distance (Route)
  • Shortest Duration (Route)

To learn more about the different Redist. Strategies, click Redist. Strategies.

The Redist. Matrix is used to define between which locations trips should be calculated and to provide a prioritization between the possible locations. Only locations that are set up in the Redist. Matrix will be considered in the Redist. Preview calculation and Trips calculation.

To See
Set up a Redist. Matrix to define possible trip combinations between stores. How to: Set Up Redist. Matrix
Assign a Redist. Matrix to items. How to: Assign Redistribution Matrix to Items
Maintain Redistribution transfer cost between stores and/or warehouses.
(This is mandatory if the Calculation Strategy Least Cost is used).
How to: Maintain Redist. Transfer Cost
Calculate Geodata (Longitude, Latitude) for Locations.
(This is mandatory if the Calculation Strategy Shortest Distance (Route) or Shortest Duration (Route) is used).
Geodata Calculation
Calculate Distance (Direct) between stores.
(This is mandatory if the Calculation Strategy Shortest Distance (Direct) is used).
How to: Calculate Distance (Direct)
Calculate Distance (Route) and Duration (Route) between stores.
(This is mandatory if the Calculation Strategy Shortest Distance (Route) or Shortest Duration (Route) is used).
How to: Calculate Distance (Route)
How to: Calculate Duration (Route)

See Also

Bing Maps API Setup